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What We Do







Call us Now

Girlfridayz Website Design Services 
helps you to achieve better sales

Girlfridayz Deep Pocket - Loyalty Reward

Social Media Marketing

Profile Setup with integration

£180 + 2 free posts



Social Media Planning


  Social Media Profile Review


+ 2 Fribiz points per order

New: Purchase A Gift Card

£15 - £20 - £50 or £100

Website Migration

Between Host

£360 include SEO relisting

Own Host

£520 include SEO relisting

Site Rescue

£612 does not include SEO

for SEO relisting £300

+ 2 Fribiz points per order

New - Flex your

payment facility calculator. What not to like?

No hosting just design

 Picture Service

30 images £80

Website Copywriting

  £17 per pages

Logo Design


Domain Connection


Larger Website Design 

Like musicmagpie from £10,000

Contact us to discuss your requirement

+ 2 Fribiz points per order

when you use Mark —

What not to like

Useful Info

New in Girlfridayz Credit is available—apply today pay nothing until next month.

Website Add-on

use Mark & Phobee

Free Website Analysis

email your URL to us

Website Subscriptions

One-years website maintenance subscription monthly payment instalment offer £189.60 per month for 12 months or full yearly price.

Website Design
Make the most of your reach with these bundles offer.
How we work with you in mind

SLA - signed and dated

Discovery & Diagnosis

Planning and

link structure design

Development and

in-work revision

Deployment and

Amendment offered 

Pay in 2 or 3 or use the One Offer

Summerlastdash500 - coupon code for all checkouts on our site
Increase your visitors with theses bundles

Why you're not getting enough visitors to your website? is not because of its bad design, it's not because you design it on your own or hire an inexperienced website designer to design your website. Because it is a combination of the above and no marketing content present that's why.

50% added extra

Business Bundle



5 pages all included + 2 Fribiz

Valid until canceled

Text - Picture

Links - Forms - Video

Logo - Business name - Headline

Blog - on-page SEO

Social media integration

Cookie & Privacy policy

Free website link structure plan

Eligible for the One Offer payment facility up to 6 mths

Free earbuds offer

E-commerce Bundle



Every month

+£5 Website link structure plan

10 pages all included + 2 Fribiz

Valid for 3 months

Product pages

Text - Checkout - Picture

Links - Forms - Video - Logo

Business name - Headline - Blog


Mobile view

Social media integration

Cookie & Privacy policy

Bundle price £2,759.01

Eligible for the One Offer payment facility up to 12 mths

Best Value

Business Bundle 10



Every month

+£5 Website link structure plan

10 pages all included + 2 Fribiz

Valid for 2 months

Text - Picture

Links - Forms - Video

Logo - Business name

Blog - Headline

Social media integration

Mobile view

Cookie & Privacy Policy

On-page SEO

Bundle price £1,548

Eligible for the One Offer payment facility up to 6 mths

Free earbuds offer

Social site bundle



Every month

Unlimited pages* + 2 Fribiz — Pay monthly offer

Valid for 5 months

Text - Picture - Link - Forms

Video - Music

Template customisation

Plugins - on-page SEO

Social media integration

Mobile view - off-page SEO

Cookie & Privacy policy

Free website link structure plan

Bundle price £18259

Free earbuds offer

Business bundle 15



Every month

+£5 Website Link Structure plan

15 pages all included + 2 Fribiz

Valid for 3 months

Text - Checkout

Picture - Forms - Video

Logo - Business name - Headline

Blog - Mobile view

On-page SEO

Social media integration

Cookie & Privacy Policy

Bundle price £2,322

Eligible for the One Offer payment facility up to 12 mths

Landing Page



What's not offered supply it - FREE

Valid until canceled

Text - Picture - Video (supply it)

Links - Form (included)

Headline - Business name (included)

Want Add-on element use Mark

Not eligible for flexible payment

Budget Website



Start with 4 pages - Add more pages

Valid until canceled

Text - Picture - video - music (Supply it)

Links - Business name (included)

Forms - Headline (included)

Want more Add-on elements use Mark

Eligible for the over £200 payment facility

Add more page use Phobee

Personal Website Design



Every month

+£5 Website link structue plan

5 pages all-included - perfect for non business owner

Valid for 3 months

Text - Picture (supply it)

Links - Forms

Video - Music (supply it)

On-page SEO

Social media integration

Mobile view

Bundle price £699

Eligible for the over £200 flexible payment facility

Design Brief

Client Design Brief

Use Flex

Payment Calculator picture.png

Note: Our Website Design flexible payment offer and credit offer are for registered users only and are subject to credit checks. Use Flex to find out your monthly instalment payment offer.


Looking to optimize your website, Girlfridayz can set up your SEO for you so you can be found online. we provide you with a free complete website analysis where you can come away with a surcharge SEO plan to optimized your SEO and increased your ranking on search engine. We cannot promise you to be number one as it depends on crawlers and how well your page keywords, description are and the number of links you have.

Tips: Links are like votes the more you have the more you ranked.

SEO FOR YOUR SITE—Unlock Your Site's True Potential with these plans.

Business love this

Business Site



Every month

Full SEO + 2 Fribiz

Valid until canceled
3 day free trial

On-page SEO

Link building

Keyword research and updates


Content improvement

Google Analytic

SEO Plan

Startups-Best Value

Starter Pack



Every month

Perfect for startup business + 2 Fribiz

Valid until canceled

On-page SEO

Links building

Keywords - content improvement

Most buy

E-commerce Site



Every month

Full SEO + 2 Fribiz

Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

On-page SEO

Link building

Keyword research and updates

Content improvement


Google Analytics

SEO plan

useful info

I'm Mark your website Add-On

Useful Info Add-On


Add-on for All-Inclusive Website Design bundles order. You can add a blog or a website checkout to your order of a Personal All-Inclusive website design bundle, and a website checkout to a 5 or 10 pages All-Inclusive Business website design bundle. *Unlimited pages meaning up to 250 pages for the All-Inclusive Social Media website bundle.

Most people don't order our Budget Website design because they've realised they are paying more than the all-inclusive bundle for your site. This offer is not recommended if you want to save money.


However, if you prefer the budget website design offer it's sort of like this head down, head up, and head together to do this scarcity move and use Mark our add-on order form and Phobee our extra-page order form calculator. — Get Quote

Website Design template purchased and you would like us to customize it for you, the price per page applies. £50 per page customised and the SEO Startup pack is £318.

To claim the Bulleyes Discount offer found in Fred our Statutory Redundancy Leave calculator just quote in the body of our contact form Bulleyes0621 and your chosen website bundle and tell us which part of the calculator you've found the discount offer. We will apply £157.50 off

your final bill.

Click on the cute Bunny Rabbit to unlock your gift card then refer a friend to our award-winning services or get it for yourself sharing is caring but sometimes we need to think about ourselves.

Make your own.png
Take a leap.png
Girlfridayz website Design.png
useful info continue

I'm Phobee your pages selector


Useful Info Continue

All prices shown are the total price to pay — there are no hidden extras.

Before the project commencement, we require a 50% deposit and the balance due 1 week before your website deployment.

The One Offer is a payment facility that allows you to spread your website bundle payment monthly to suit your budget.


Spread the cost of your payment over £200 payment facility: offers you the option to spread your remaining payment for services ordered monthly after paying for the deposit required if the service order is over £200.

To be eligible for a payment facility you must be a registered user and have an account with us. Your application will be subject to status and bank detail verification.

New: Use Flex, our Payment Facility Calculator. Manage your scheduled payment by knowing how much a month it will cost you to pay the balance on your order. Located under the website bundles.

Deep Pockets Earn 2 Fribiz points per order.

if you require any more information you can email us at and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have before placing an order online.

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