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What is the Girlfridayz Leads and Sales Strategic Matrix (GLSS) Matrix

Girlfridayz Leads and Sales Strategic Matrix

A sales enabler tool used to evaluate the strategic position of a business's financial gain

Written by the theorist Trisha Amable.

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What is the Girlfridayz Leads and Sales Strategic Matrix (GLSS) Matrix

The Girlfridayz Lead and Sales Strategic Matrix (GLSS) Matrix, also known as the sales enabler matrix, is a business planning tool used to evaluate the strategic position of a brand within its audience and position within its market industry.

The GLSS Matrix is one of the most popular sales enablers, providing a method to increase sales and revenue by accessing the right target market for products and services.

It classifies small business products and services into a – four-by-one matrix. Each quadrant is qualified as of high importance using the main sales driver supported by the complimentary sales drivers within the right audience depending on your products or services engagement in your relative market share. Learn more about strategic sales by attending the Cat Got The Cream workshop.

Girlfridayz Leads and Sales Strategic Matrix
The Sales Enabler

Understanding the Girlfridayz Lead and Sales Strategic Matrix

The diagonal arrows of the GLSS Matrix represent the link between the sales drivers and your audience's attraction through engagement with your products and services within your relative market share. It helps measure a small business's competitiveness.

The green circle in the middle of the GLSS Matrix represent your market share within your industry hence C=NC² recognizes that your customer acquisition is relatively equivalent to the market share your business gets including the repeated purchases the same customer makes.

In addition, there are four quadrants in the GLSS Matrix:

  1. Audience: Accessing the right or wrong target market in your new or existing market

  2. Engagement: is composed of 4 green quadrants which are Timing, Iteration, Multiple, and Engage. Timing is concerned with the customer's needs interacting with the products or services lifecycle through omnichannel and multichannel journeys accessing multiple touchpoints to purchase products and services from a business and reviewing purchases made.

  3. Main Sales Drivers: Drive the target customer to purchase products and services by attracting the customers with a powerful headline and the reason why is superior to your competitors and needed in their lives emphasizing the benefits and features of having the products and services in their lives.

  4. Complimentary Sales Drivers: are the push needed to convince the target market to purchase a product or service. The irresistible offer uses a set of strategies to entice a purchase. The guarantees reassure the customers that the purchase is genuine and the call to action prompts a customer to act with immediate effect. The social proof sealed the faith of a business in the purchase made by the customer giving positive or negative feedback about their experience using a business.

The assumption in the matrix is that an increase in relative market share will result in increased customer acquisition. A small business benefits from utilizing scaling strategies and tactics to gain a cost advantage relative to competitors in the same industry.

The sales rate of products or services varies from industry to industry but often shows a cut-off point of 10% growth rate equivalent to 20% market share within customer acquisition and retention because 80% of your promoting effort results in 20% of sales, hence C=NC².

Golden Hour Principle

The GLSS Matrix: Audience

Your target market customers are in a market that is growing quickly, or they are in a low market share as per industry. The process of attracting the right audience in your existing market or new market is the same you need to relate to your audience with your products and services so that your target market sees the value in having your products in their lives meeting their needs with a solution to their pain.

You can easily attract the wrong audience to your products or services if you concentrate your efforts on a growing market where everybody is you are more likely to attract on the off chance a customer. However, your products or services audience is more likely to be niche-oriented customers and therefore more accessible.

In the best-case scenario, a small business would ideally want to access its relatable audience that will engage with its product or service eventually achieving sales using the relevant main sales driver and reinforcing its related product with the complementary sales driver.

The GLSS Matrix: Engagement

Customers in the engagement lifecycle are more likely to consume media and PR-related promotions about your products and services and have purchased the said product or service meeting their needs. These qualified customers are more inclined to follow social pressure and peer pressure to keep using or purchasing items relevant to their previous purchase and place a review helping others to join the customer engagement lifecycle where many small businesses operating in the guise of governmental and environmental guidelines to provide industry related ergonomic ethical suitable products and evidence services to their niche related customers.

The GLSS Matrix: Main Sales Driver

Small business uses the main sales driver in their promotional effort to attract their target market customer with their niche-related market share helping them achieve sales and ultimately increase their audiences and revenue with the star products or services that address the needs of their customers.

The GLSS Matrix: Complementary Sales Driver

Small business uses the complementary sales driver to reinforce a product or service sales in conjunction with the main sales driver to ensure that the customer purchases the product or service. The complementary sales driver holds the social proof because a customer can place a review at any given time about its purchase of products or services from the business within their industry.

The GLSS Matrix: Golden Quadrant

The execution of your winning strategy is in your market share to win the customer with the Wow effect by making your products and services so compelling that it is easy to sell to your relatable audience within your industry using the main and complementary sales drivers interacting through various omnichannel and multichannel to engage customers in the lifecycle consuming media and PR related to products and services providing a solution to their pain meeting their needs with price incentive that meet their budget talking to cost leadership customers or high ends customer who favour high or the highest quality in products or services acquisition.

More information

Thank you for reading the benefits and features of purchasing The Girlfridayz Lead and Sales Strategic Matrix — The GLSS costs £100,000 for the Matrix and you get free The Golden Hour Principle to be used in conjunction with The Girlfridayz Lead and Sales Strategic Matrix.

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You get a PDF copy of The Girlfridayz Lead and Sales Strategic Matrix and The Golden Hour Principle with how to use it to your advantage.

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