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Nudge— The New Marketing Call To Action.

Updated: Jan 27

Team up with a professional that grows your SME—London SMEs Girlfridayz Contribute to Your Business Growth. We encourage you to view our VideoBook© done for our business.

2 views on 2 Nov 2023 on YouTube of my VideoBook© at the time of writing my nudge blog post.

Girlfridayz VideoBook© - Relive the Beyoncé concert at Tottenham Hotspur stadium in London UK. This 29.5 minutes VideoBook© was created and designed by Girlfridayz and it is a new Marketing Channel for 2024. How we derived to this new channel is a miracle because I was at Beyonce's iconic world tour Renaissance and in my view, I had the best seat. I used my phone and started videoing my surroundings and the whole concert.

Next, I decided to display my video in a cool designed way and added event commentary text because I attended the biggest event of the year, Beyoncé. I just realised that I created a new marketing channel for your business. If you are an event promoter, or selling products or even services you can use it.

If you want to promote your business in this new VideoBook© innovative idea of Trisha Amable - CEO of Girlfridayz contact us to design your VideoBook© for only £150 introduction offer. You get 24 pages max - inc. MP4 packaging of your files to deliver to your designated email address. The offer ends on 22/12/23.

This is a nice way to attract a huge audience to your products or services. This new channel permits you to promote different views of your products and services in several frames and add product or service stories because people love stories.

Also, you can add descriptions and product names. It is a versatile and attractive way to promote your products and services and can be shared with many audiences on social media or via email marketing.

To design your VideoBook© we need 3 minutes max video. We need-- 30s to 1.50 video too.

Your text: full-length text and short introductory text or description. You can submit both if you like.

To order: contact us via email: or WhatsApp us at 07931089744 Team up with a professional that grows your SME - pause to read the long text if you want to know what it says.

Nudge Theory (Tayler, 2018)

This article discusses Nudge the psychological buzzword of 2023; everyone on it like hot sauce with honey toasted bread—How small changes can significantly influence people's choices—a marketing topic of choice. Because we gravitate in the direction of our dominant thoughts.

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