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GET Inspired to start up and Grow your business with Girlfridayz

Updated: Apr 10

The story behind the Pink lady

Girlfriday, Girlfridayz is a hybrid-brand multichannel online marketing company that started its journey in 2007. It all began with a realisation that the owner could provide marketing services to small businesses and individuals after running other companies' businesses.

Company founder Trisha very quickly realised that she shared a vision of businesses working together in harmony and with equal opportunities regardless of their size in a free society in which the concept of market share and support for one another toward a common goal is present and deliver a marketing and business services in a much better way by working together with startup and SME's to achieve better sales.

Listen to our company message it is inspiringly powerful.

With two laptops, a sofa to sit on, a coffee table, and a mobile phone a small operation, known only; as the Service Buying Customer Journey, was born.

Trisha's ambition to succeed is mapped out by Girlfriday, Girlfridayz services are offered in a scalable tangible logical word-class dual step-by-step support system for her clients with a system where her customers can pick up any services done for them and if not ready to use her services are able to fully access her standalone business support services.

Girlfriday, Girlfridayz world-class step-by-step marketing and business support system for startups and SMEs — A scalable blend of services results-oriented created through a cognitive approach solution for her clients, prospects and website visitors gained notoriety because of her love for marketing and support people to achieve greater.

The aim was to build something simple, yet something that can deliver the best possible services for all clients and associates involved. We call that philosophy the insight you need to optimize your Marketing.

Girlfriday, Girlfridayz over the years grew a steady build-up of loyal customers and new customers, providing an excellent friendly professional service, which awarded her the Be Mogul business award in 2018-2019 recognising the most influential & inspirational black business owners in Britain.

Trisha's love for marketing enabled her to create and develop several innovations that other businesses can use and her business models can be found in her Marketing Manual The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winners Combination Her Manual revolutionised the Marketing and Business Book industry as no marketing book comes with an attached dual implementation support system accessible by an access code found in her book.

The benefit and added value Trisha brought to her clients are services that do not compromise on quality and world-class service delivery.

I would extend my sincere Thank You to all the people who came into my life to shape my business Girlfridayz Limited so far and support me unbeknown to them to advance the Business and Marketing Industry and empower us to set a strong foundation in Girlfridayz.

The foundations are so solid that we are there for years to come. The Journey just began after 8 years of building the process is solid and our purpose is certain we are ready to serve our clients, associates, partners, suppliers, franchisees...

Need Inspiration to grow your business with the help of Girlfridayz Limited UK Startups, business owners and SMEs—Listen to The Honorable President Obama's Final Speech as President. Beautiful inspiring speech powerful for the world over.

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