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La Booktique Encourages you to achieve better sales
By Girlfridayz.png

Another proud moment at La Booktique.

After sending to Lawrence Bacow President of Harvard Business School The Core Assets of Marketing With Its Dual Implementation Support System - The Cellar, he was immensely impressed that he viewed it 43 times and replied after a week: "Thank you for writing to President Bacow and for sharing a sample of The Core Asset of Marketing With its Dual Implementation Support System - The Cellar. We appreciate your thoughtfulness in calling our attention to your book, and we wish you all the best." 

He endorsed our book and — The Cellar — in recognition of the amazing innovations found in this book for MBA students.

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Why almost 60% of small businesses fail in their first three years of business life in the UK—Because they fail to remain educated and don't read business or marketing books; watch this video and learn why we have created the manual—Which provides solutions to the problem.

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The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winners Combination

Learn the fundamental of Marketing & its application to business — Paperback or Hardcover available. Select your options.
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Product Details
Girlfridayz: Author
New: new
Book: Marketing Playbook

Paperback and Hardcover version available

In its exuberance this book devel into customer acquisition that consists of beautifully designed curated content guiding you to entertaining stories written in a unique conversational style.

The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winners Combination offers practical advice and techniques to get out of mental inertia and make your business life more rewarding by acquiring more clients, and customers and shows you how to be more friendly. Use The Cellar the online resources attached to this book the passkey is inside the pages.

The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winners Combination — advice stood the test of time and tells you how to:

  1. increase clients, customers quickly and easily
  2. Influence people to view your way of thinking to help solve problems that result in answering your customer's and client's needs.
  3. Improve your communication skills and become more approachable and friendly
  4. Acquire new clients and customers knowning your target market and accessing the right audience for your products or services.

With more than 16 million copies sold worldwide The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winners Combination has the potential to turn around your sales because of improved relationships, and your dealing with all of the people in your life, whether B2B, B2C or prospects.

Accreditation opportunity

We are sure of your success using our Marketing Business Support System The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winners Combination, that we are offering you an opportunity to gain Girlfridayz Legacy Accreditation if you can demonstrate to us that after implementing the content of the book and its attached Business Mentoring Support System - The Cellar for 18 months and within this time you have grown your profit margin by 25% or less.

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